How to Set Up a New School – 10 steps and 10 articles to help you get started
Over the past 15+ years we have published more than 350 blogs and free articles aimed to inform, support and educate investors, developers and leaders on the essential steps to set up a new school.
We have worked on education projects in almost every corner of the globe and we to share what we know as experienced education leaders and education industry specialists.
Check out these 10 articles all saved in this one location!
Open a School, Leave a Legacy
When people speak about leaving a legacy, they’re usually thinking in terms of what they can do at the end of their lives to make a long lasting impact. They are thinking about the difference they make that lasts beyond their own lifetime. The most influential people, the ones who leave behind incredible legacies, live on in the hearts of the people they’ve touched along the way. Schools leave a legacy in such powerful ways and more than most organisations. Read more ….
Greg Parry (CEO) also explains in this video
Market Research & Feasibility Study
A Market Research & Feasibility Study is one of the first and most essential steps when it comes to setting up a new school. Making assumptions can be expensive and decisions could be made that don’t match the research. They can be made on a hunch or a wild dream therefore a comprehensive study will minimise risk and also maximise your chances of success. Even if it is already clear that the school will go ahead, this research will influence many decisions in the “set up a new school” process. Read more ….
Greg Parry (CEO) also explains in this video
Marketing Plan
One of the most important parts of opening a school is getting the Marketing Plan right. In the set up phase a large proportion of the budget goes towards this plan as you begin to enter the market and entice children and parents to the idea and voice of your school. Read more ….
Teacher Recruitment & Managing HR
In good international schools teachers salaries take up a large proportion of the outgoing spend of the school so recruitment of the right teachers is imperative in order to manage costs and to get value for money. The average tenure of a teacher in an international school is about 3 years, this may seem short however you must remember that it is not the teachers home country and adapting to new environments can have an effect on any teacher, but one of the main reasons for schools having high rates of turnover is poor management from above. Read more ….
Branding License Agreement, Franchise or a New Brand
These are really the 3 mainstream options that you need to choose from. Do you start completely fresh and build your own brand? Do you purchase a branding license and still hold a relatively large amount of control? Finally, do you take the option of a franchise whereby you generally leave the running to someone else?
All these options have their positives and negatives and we’ll go through them here. Read more ….
International Curriculum Options
We often get asked “What is the best international curriculum?” Our standard reply is that it depends on the local context and the needs the school is aiming to satisfy. In truth all curricula are good. It is the people that drive it that make the difference and it is the clients, families, students and parents who drive the need. The following list aims to provide a very simple summary of each. In truth the explanation and analysis is much more complex that it seems. The curricula are driven by structures including “what” but they are also driven by a philosophy of “how.” Each school also has characteristics that reflect the country of origin that need to be explored, unpacked and understood. Before you decide on international curriculum options. Read more ….
International School Accreditation
Schools often aim to achieve International School Accreditation through an independent body as it represents a form of of quality assurance. In the eyes of other schools, universities and parents it is a way to determine high quality standards.
There are many organisations that offer this with varying levels of credibility but they will all measure the schools operational performance against a clear set of criteria and standards.
International School Accreditation is hard work! It is as simple as that! The process is trying to determine, through evidence provided by you, that you are delivering the quality you espouse to deliver. When a school achieves accreditation the organisation is basically verifying the operations, systems, procedures, standards, values and beliefs are realistically delivered, in practice. Read more ….
Designing a School
When designing a school it is vital that someone with education experience is involved in the conversations with the architects that are tasked with designing the school as there are many aspects that need an educational eye to make the school efficient and contain everything that the curriculum demands. For example an IB school needs different spaces compared to a Cambridge School or a Finnish School. Read more ….
GSE has a number of architects to call upon with vast experience in designing a school in the education sector, if the client needs help in this area.
Education Management
There are many studies that can be used to find out what makes a school effective. Of course there are debates but most of these end with education management and quality being number one. Excellent management finds great teachers, but also keeps them longer than the average. They manage the work environment and all other aspects of the school operation. In this article we will look at some aspects that you need to have in order to open and operate a successful school. Read more ….
Quality Assurance, Driven by Data
It is important to evaluate a school’s performance on an ongoing basis, but we need to do it authentically. With strategic and authentic support, organisations transform and improve when coached, mentored and led, focussed on key performance indicators. Ideally decisions should be data driven. Although there may be some areas of school performance easily monitored and measured eg. Financial Performance, there are a number of areas that are tougher to review, reveal and and improve. There are also traps and misleading data can confuse you. Read more ….
GSE is here to help you!
- Setting Up Schools
- Managing Schools
- School Franchises
- School Improvement
- Training and Development
- School Acquisitions
Who is Global Services in Education (GSE)
Global Services in Education is a full service education management company led by education experts. They are proven education and business leaders who know how to set up and manage international schools in unique cultural contexts. GSE lead education projects from the initial idea to set up and full management. Kindergarten, Primary, Middle and High School, Universities and Adult education.
School Acquisition: GSE represents investors looking to acquire schools or evaluate potential of school group expansion.

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