by Shanna Parry | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog
10 Virtual Learning Tips for Parents, Students and Teachers Virtual learning refers to a comprehensive online learning environment whereby all parties engage with a comprehensive variety of teaching and learning strategies. It is not just teaching online. It is about...
by Shanna Parry | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog
Help teenagers do well in school We all know that the high school years can be very difficult for a teenager. They will face many social pressures as well as additional obligations such as sports, after-school jobs and family commitments. The academic requirements...
by Shanna Parry | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog
Help Your Child Deal With Peer Pressure Peer influence begins when children are young—and increases as they grow older. It is natural and healthy for children to rely more on friends as they mature. Sometimes peer pressure can be harmless, but sometimes it...
by Shanna Parry | Nov 23, 2020 | Blog
Following instructions is a part of everyday life and as adults with young children we need to provide lots of guidance via instructions and questions to children. For a child to follow instructions requires them to attend to details in spoken language, and then to...
by Shanna Parry | Nov 23, 2020 | Blog
Children don’t automatically understand directionality. From the way words are presented on a page, to visual signs, conventional behaviours, left, right, up, down and backwards. Basically, directionality is what helps children understand the environment around...
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